Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A First Person Shooter Game!

Recently we are working on a new iPhone game, a first person shooter type of game. And the aim of the development is to challenge the iPhone hardware through advanced 3D graphic element, accurate representation of gravity, lighting, collisions (which of course will be handled by SIO2 Engine) to provide realistic look and feel, as well as (actually especially) push the user interaction and social aspect of the game to another level.

Below is a character model that I'm working on at the moment, to share with you.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What is OpenFeint?

Heard the word "OpenFeint" mentioned a couple of times, and it seems that it has big appeal on the iPhone games published these days. So I dig a little, and found that it's actually an interesting tool. It can be considered as an iPhone developer's tool to help them provide social functionality in their app to their users, as well as a promotion tool to help their users to find their app easily, since users can communicate between each other in the game which has OpenFeint integrated. And this can be really helpful since nowadays it's just became more and more difficult for people to find your app in the whole app store database.

We are going to try it out inside some of our game and check the result and performance.

New iPhone Game Released: SoccerFrenzy

How many targets can you hit in 90 seconds?

The legendary HIGHLY ADDICTIVE arcade style game "SoccerFrenzy" is now back and available for your iPhone and iPod Touch for as low as 0.99$!

Download SoccerFrenzy and start feeling back this arcade adrenaline rush with this unique skills vs time combinations.

Ideal for passing time, SoccerFrenzy allows you to challenge your friends with 6 unique level of difficulty, have fun!

A lite version of this game is also available and include 2 unique challenging levels, Check it out:

Wanna build your own 3D Game?

Check out where you can download for FREE SIO2 the same 3D Game Engine that was used for this App, and also gain access to the FULL source code and all 3D/3D assets used inside SoccerFrenzy!

SIO2 Engine is a Free ad Open Source 3D Game Engine for iPhone and iPod Touch, an out of the box, ready to use solution to create state of the art 3D Game for iPhone and iPod Touch and allows you to get all the necessary power to take over the Top 10 of the App Store!

Friday, November 6, 2009

New iPhone game "HoopsFrenzy" Released!

SIO2 Interactive just released a new iPhone & iPod Touch game "HoopsFrenzy" which has been fully created with Blender and SIO2 engine.

HoopsFrenzy is a legendary HIGHLY addictive arcade game that makes you have instantaneous fun with! Ideal for passing time, HoopsFrenzy allows you to challenge your friends with 6 unique level of difficulty, where time and skills have to be combined in order to get the top score, have fun!

You can have access to the full version of the game here:

A lite free version which include 2 unique challenging levels is also available:

And total 50 promo code for HoopsFrenzy has just been released for FREE! So if you are interested, go get it here:

And if anybody is interested in learning how this game was built as well as quickly learn to be able to create iPhone 3D games, the "HoopsFrenzy Source Code + 2D/3D assets" are also available for purchase, here is a quick list of the key features of the game:
- Arcade style game architecture
- Physic sensors & collision callbacks
- Advanced 2D/3D Rendering
- Basic Game Logic Code Workflow
- Basic 2D Menu and GUI Rendering Technique
- Optimized Machine State Rendering Pipeline
- Advanced Touch Handling Technique
- Ray casted Blob Shadow Rendering Technique
- More…

For more details, please check this page: